Friday, February 24, 2017

Office Supplies

Have you ever seen inside a stapler before?
You put in staples and you staple them
on to your paper. What does this have to do with
Legos? I made a stapler out of Legos!

My stapler has a rubber band
attached to the back so 
it can spring up and down.
It also has a place you can put
 staples in and a place that can drop the staples 

Brick Builder Challenge:
I challenge you to make an office supply out of Legos.

Email a photograph of your creation to for a chance for your brick creation to be featured in an upcoming blog post.
Make sure to include your name and description of your creation.

Watch for your creation in a blog post on March 7.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Angry Birds

Angry Birds. A video game. But I made it 
out of Legos!

The pigs base is made by flat tiles.
They just snap together!
The big birds are worth 1 point and
the small birds are worth 2 points.
This can be a competitive game or a team game.
You can also play it by yourself.

Brick Builder Challenge:
I challenge you to make your favorite
show or video game out of Legos!

Email a photograph of your creation to for a chance for your brick creation to be featured in an upcoming blog post.
Make sure to include your name and description of your creation.

Watch for your creation in a blog post on February 21! 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Batman Bat-ship

Look! up in the sky! Is it a cloud? Is it a plane? No! 
It's Batman, in his bat-ship!

This Bat-ship has a cockpit that can fly off in an emergency
and a string attached to the wings so
it can take up less space, but when it's time to
save the city you can just pull the string and the wing pop out!

Brick Builder Challenge:
Make a Lego vehicle for your favorite
superhero or character!

Email a photograph of your creation to for a chance for your brick creation to be featured in an upcoming blog post.
Make sure to include your name and description of your creation.

Watch for your creation in a blog post on February 14!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Your Game Creations

Here are your creations of games with twists!
Thank you everyone!

     Don't forget: New challenges are posted every Friday 
and your creations are displayed every Tuesday!

Addie - Bear in the Hair. Like the Ants in the Pants game but you try to get bears in the hair instead. 

 Isaac - age 8  Twisting hand maze

 Caleb - age 12   Checkers with an extra starting piece

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Your Pirate Ship Creations

Thank you all for sending in your pirate ship creations!
You all had very creative ideas.

Don't forget: New challenges are posted every Friday 
and your creations are displayed every Tuesday!



Reagan and Lincoln

Johnathan - Mystic Battle Ship

Hannah and Mia - Flying animal rescue ship.

 Isaac, age 8 - Pirate ship with shark in the water

Jonathan, age 6 - Red pirate ship and pirate house 

Caleb, Age 12.  Pirate ship with guy falling in shark mouth. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Jenga Tower

This Jenga tower is a classic game with a twist! 

 I made a locked brick, a grill tile brick, and a transparent brick for this toppling twist!

Brick Builder Challenge: 
I challenge you to build your favorite game with a twist.

Email a photograph of your creation to for a chance for your brick creation to be featured in an upcoming blog post.
Make sure to include your name and description of your creation.

Watch for your creation in a blog post on January 31.

Happy Building!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Pirate Ship

This pirate ship is one swashbuckling Brick Builder Challenge! My pirate ship includes a plank with a shark underneath, a horse figurehead, and when the steering wheel turns, the rudder turns too.

Join the Challenge: 
I challenge you to make a pirate ship out of bricks with an action scene.

Email a photograph of your creation to for a chance for your brick creation to be featured in an upcoming blog post.